Industry News

Health & Safety RIDDOR Regulations

COVID-19 RIDDOR Regulations

April 2020

RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) is the law that requires employers to report and keep records of work related deaths, serious injuries, specified diseases and dangerous occurrences.

As of the 3rd April 2020 you must report a case of COVID-19 under the RIDDOR Regulations if it is believed an employee has been exposed through an unintended incident at work. This must be reported as a dangerous occurrence.


If a worker has been diagnosed as having COVID-19, and there is reasonable evidence that it was caused by an exposure at work, this must be reported as a case of disease.

For full details we would recommend you review the Health & Safety Executive announcement on COVID-19 reporting.

All such circumstances would always be notifiable to your Insurer without delay.